Tuesday, September 2, 2008

news and notes

Apparently the new Quentin Tarantino movie, Inglorious Bastards, has already jumped the shark. I was very excited for this movie since day 1 with Brad Pitt playing the lead role, and Diane Kruger getting cast recently which was a smart move but something that makes my stomach turn is that.....none other than... Mike Myers... has been cast in this film. Myers is coming off the abortion that was the Love Guru and will probably ruin this movie as well. The guy is known to be extremely difficult to work with on set and his comedy is totally unfitting for this movie. I really hope this is a bit part or cameo but something tells me if it was Myers wouldn't have signed up.

Sad news in the world of movie voiceover's as Don LaFontaine has passed away at 68 year old. He was the voice of thousands of movie trailers and tv ad's. His most famous is probably the Geico ad that ran last year:

Finally, Google has decided to further its battle with Microsoft as it will launch "Chrome" tomorrow (Tuesday 9/3). Chrome is a new web browser from google designed to take away a chunk of Internet Explorer users. It'll be interesting to see how this browser does as Firefox and IE are very hard to compete against but if anyone can do it, its google. You can read more about Chrome as it already has a wikipedia page at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome. I should have a review of it up over the next few days too.

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