Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Reaction to the RNC

The republican national convention is in full swing in St. Paul, Minnesota with Joe Lieberman and President Bush both giving speeches tonight. The convention was delayed by a day because of Hurricane Gustav hitting New Orleans, but it didn't seem to do too much to hamper the spirit of the Republican party. I must say that the choice of Sarah Palin is already blowing up in McCain's face. First of all to all of these females who are screaming in joy for a woman VP, you should be OFFENDED about this pick, not proud of it.

Palin was picked not because of her political background and qualifications, she was picked to sway disenfranchised Hillary fan's and McCain seems to believe that woman are morons who will vote for a uterus in the white house not because the woman deserves to be there but for girl power. It's sickening. This woman has a 17 year old daughter who is knocked up and is making her go through with the pregnancy and even forcing her to marry the baby's daddy because she's that crazy about pro-life. How can people be 100% opposed to abortion in the year 2008? The woman who is going to carry a baby for 9 months and deal with the emotional/physical stress that comes along with that should have the right to choose. It's plain and simple. We don't blink an eye when we put our own kids in the line of fire over in Iraq, why should we make a big stink about early term baby's being aborted? She is against stem cell research which I will never understand. Don't we want to cure the diseases that have plagued our civilization for generations? Wouldn't it be great to give a new limb to an amputee, a new heart to a person who had a quadruple bypass, a new kidney to someone who has a failing one? Is this rocket science? How can people support someone against this?

Palin is a huge step backwards for our country as a VP and so is McCain. He is 72 years old and has had FOUR..thats 4.. battles with skin cancer! If his health fails in office, this woman who's only experience is 2 years in office in Alaska and being mayor in front of a town of 9,000 people, will get the keys to the country. Are people going to be that dumb? Say what you want about Obama/Biden but the two of them will do far more for this country than a "hockey mom" who has 5 kids to worry about, a husband who himself isnt even a registered republican, and a new born with down syndrome! Obama is up to 50% approval for the very first time on Gallop and I think its a direct correlation of how bad this VP pick is. McCain has shot himself in the foot and thank god natural disaster struck during the RNC. Its time the country gets the change its been asking for, for the past 8 years. Say what you want about Obama's experience but the bottom line is that John McCain has been in congress for the past 26 years and has done NOTHING but vote down party lines in every decision and bring us to the position our country is in now. Let's get some fresh blood a chance to stir things up a bit.

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