Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The NBA Finals

After game 1 of the NBA Finals I made a bold prediction. I stated that the Boston Celtics will win the NBA Championship in 6 games. Well last night in true nostradomus fashion my prediction manifested itself into reality and the Celtics took home the gold.

It's a bittersweet ending to the season as this has been arguably one of the most exciting NBA post-season's in the last 5 years. It was a classic rivalry between the LA Lakers and the Boston Celtics with the underdog team coming out on top in one of the most famed sporting arena's in our nation. The Boston Garden (I refuse to refer to it by its corporate sponsored name) was host to a truly inspiring moment last night. It showed us that we can certainly stand tall in a time of adversity. With enough heart and desire, anything is possible. As a sports fan there is nothing greater than the true "reality tv" that these types of championship wins provide. Congratulations to Doc Rivers and the rest of the Boston Celtics. I now wait with baited breath (and pants around the ankles) for the 2008 football season, because let's face it nobody over 40 is interested in regular season baseball.

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