Sunday, October 5, 2008

33/42 250 yards 2 td's 0 int's

That's the stats this man put up in today's blow out of the Buffalo Bills. For years I've stood by Kurt Warner as one of the greatest QB's to grace the gridiron and this season he is showing his critics exactly what he is all about. Warner has put up 5 weeks of stellar numbers and completely reenergized his team the way he did in the late 90's with the St. Louis Ram's.

The Ram's weren't smart enough to stand by their man despite his records as a superbowl winner, league mvp winner,and having the highest QB rating in history ever and look where they stand now (take away complete confidence from your starting QB by putting in the 40 year old geezer who shows he's way too old to even be a back up and fire your coach who has no idea how to even run a high powered West Coast offense in the first place). I'm glad it took Leinart's piss poor attitude at any type of self improvement and ken wisenhut's expert judgment to give Warner this chance at redemption. Unfortunately there will only be 1-2 more years that Warner will play in the NFL due to his age, but hopefully he can take the Cardinals deep into the playoffs this year. They have proven to be a force not to be taken lightly putting up those types of numbers WITHOUT one of your best WR's (who by the way when boldin was out injured on the field getting medical help, it was Warner who led an impromptu prayer with his teammates showing just what kind of heart this guy has).

I know this sounds like a tent for the guy but this is what football is all about and I'm sitting here doing roundhouse kicks and fist pumping the air watching the highlights of this game.

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