Wednesday, October 1, 2008

news and notes

Lots of Batman news swirling around the interwebs. It's no surprise that Warner Bros. wants Batman 3 out for summer 2011 and now is reporting that inside sources claim pre-production for the film will begin in February 2009 in Chicago. Sets will be built during this time period and filming on the project is expected to start summer 2009.

Also the CW has greenlit a show called "The Grayson's" which will be similar in the vain of Smallville and will chronicle the life of "D.J. Grayson" in his teen years before he goes on to become Robin. Let's see, a tv series based on robin, before he met Batman, and before he had anything going for him. Looks like its gonna be like every other high school soap opera on that channel. I can understand trying to find new ways to cash in on the Batman franchise but this just sounds atrocious.

Nintendo Wii lovers with Hi-Def sets will finally get their wish as Nintendo is planning on releasing a second generation follow up to its popular console in 2011 with HD capabilities. The Nintendo Wii is far inferior to the 360/PS3 as far as hardware goes, so it's no surprise Nintendo is hard at work on a new console to really take on the top dog's. This could be exciting for Wii fans as the games will finally be up to par on the graphics end and bigger series' can make Wii debuts.

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