Friday, October 10, 2008

Gaming Conventions

Only if you've been living under a rock would you not be aware of Halo 3: Recon, the new expansion to the almighty Halo 3 for the xbox 360. Microsoft announced it's plans with Bungie earlier this week at the Tokyo Game Convention and it's expected to hit stores sometime in the fall of 09. My guess would be around September 25th as that is when Halo 3 came out.

In this expansion, you won't play as or even see the Master Chief. Instead you will take control of an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (ODST), one who's not quite so burly or bad-ass, requiring you to pick your battles more carefully. The multiplayer is Halo 3 with a couple new maps, and overall the game just feels like Halo 3.5 than anything really new. I would much rather have an overhaul of the series in the form of Halo 4, but I guess this will hold people over until that day comes.

Also in convention news, this week is Blizzard's annual Blizzcon in Anaheim, CA. Expect a lot of news on WOTLK, Starcraft 2, and most excitingly Diablo 3. Apparently attendee's will be able to PLAY a level from the upcoming new game. This is huge news as it means that Diablo 3 is pretty far along its developmental cycle and will probably be in stores in 09. They're also going to unveil a new class and rumor is it will be an upgrade of Diablo 2's paladin.

Kinda nerdy but both of these games are going to be huge sellers.

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