Thursday, July 31, 2008

Follow up on Artest

So apparently Ron Artest is ALREADY in hot water with a team mate. Yao Ming made the following comments about Artest, "Hopefully, he's not fighting anymore and going after a guy in the stands."

Then Artest responds with:
"I understand what Yao said, but I'm still ghetto, that's not going to change. I'm never going to change my culture. Yao has played with a lot of black players, but I don't think he's ever played with a black player that really represents his culture as much as I represent my culture. Once Yao Ming gets to know me, he'll understand what I'm about.

"If you go back to the brawl, that's a culture issue right there," Artest added, according to the report. "Somebody was disrespecting me, so he's got to understand where I'm coming from. People that know me know that Ron Artest never changed."

Wow good job asshole, way to set back black athletes about 50 years. So you're saying that Yao has to understand that you are ghetto and not willing to change your ways? That its some sort of understanding in black culture to resort to violence at the drop of a hat? Guess what Artest, if someone is disrespecting you there are other ways to deal with it then flailing your fists around in the stands and putting innocent fans in the line of danger. He has absolutely no remorse for his actions and makes a mockery of the sport. If I was a black nba player I would be livid at people like Artest who is playing into all of the negative stereotypes and creating even more racial tensions. I can't wait til the season starts and the Rockets regret this trade as I'm sure this is only the beginning of a long line of ignorant actions.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Artest and Favre

Notorious NBA bad boy Ron Artest finally gets his wish, he was traded to the Houston Rockets from the Sacramento Kings yesterday. He didn't get exactly what he wanted as he was vocal about going to the Knicks or Lakers but either way he's happy to be off the Kings. My thoughts? Good riddance. The Kings made out pretty well as they get newly drafted Rockets rookie Donte Greene, Kings alumnus Bobby Jackson, and a first-round pick in 2009. They don't need an overrated, injury prone, arrest prone, black cloud in the locker room. Artest is a great player if he can stay healthy and out of trouble as he showed by helping to turn around the Kings franchise, but the guy is a negative influence to everyone around him and spent 25 games or so last season on the bench leading to a subpar season. It'll be interesting to see how he does with the Rockets and playing with McGrady and Yao Ming but I am thanking the stars that Odom is staying put in LA and that they didnt give in to this egomaniacal maniac who is on a path of career self destruction, mark my words.

Speaking of self destruction there's the whole Favre/Packers controversy going on. Apparently Bret Favre figured out how to work a fax machine in his mississippi ranch and has officially filed a letter of reinstatement with the NFL. Now I must say even though I haven't seen this type of flip flopping in sports in a long time, the Packers would be RETARDED to trade Favre away. The Packers had a good season last year getting far in the playoffs and to think that Aaron Rodgers is going to be able to imitate that type of success is ludicrous. Atleast keep Favre as a backup and make him sweat out a few games from the bench but to hand over one of the top QB's out there and maybe in the history of the game to a team like the Jets or Bucaneers is absurd. The Packers are in a volatile division this season and with Favre back at the helm they could be guaranteed a shot to the playoffs. With Rodgers I think they'd be lucky to win over 500.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

change is in the wind

Got a few new changes to the ole' blog. As you have probably noticed there are some ad's now on my blog. I am looking for more sponsors who are looking for a place to advertise their services. I don't think they are very intrusive so I'm looking for people who would be interested in buying some ad space, you can contact me for rates and all that.

There is now also a suscribe link on the sidebar for RSS feeds so you can get my new updates on your site or blog instantly and even get them on your blackberry/iphone. You can also now search google directly off this blog (it will open the results in a new window) and will find search results relevant to the things I talk about in the blog as well as the entire web. I had zero expectations when I was making this blog other than a place to vent my creative frustrations. It's good to see that the site is starting to pick up some steam. If you have any comments or suggestions about the layout or content of the blog feel free to hit me up. Ideally I'd like to eventually move it off blogger and get my own domain so if you can help with that let me know.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Update: Comic Con

I did a story on Comic Con the other day and this is a great source for more info on everything that was debuted and talked about at the event:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sirius XM

Huge news in the media world as the Sirius/XM merger was FINALLY approved last night by a 3-2 vote from the FCC. They waited til a little bit before 9 pm to announce the decision and everything was hinging on Republican Deborah Tate who finally cast the final "yes" vote. This is a much needed merger in the world of satellite radio as both companies were hemmoraging money and even with a merger its not a given that they can still succeed. Fans will now be able to get Howard Stern, NFL, Nascar, MLB, Oprah, and Opie and Anthony all in one place.

It will be interesting to see how this merger falls out as people will need to buy new receivers to be able to get both services and I'm sure there will be all sorts of contract issues. Also the companies have a number of requirements they must meet from the FCC such as a number of minority oriented channels and a $19 Million fine for the FCC dealing with XM's equipment which was breaking an emissions rule. I'm sure Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin will also be handing out many pink slips over at XM. More info on this as events warrant.

Comic Con 2008

The annual San Diego Comic Con is well under way right now and lots of great movies have been announced and shown in further detail. The G.I. Joe panel happened yesterday and the movie seems to be shaping up much better than anticipated and will in theaters August '09. Frank Miller has a new movie called "The Spirit" which stars Samuel L. Jackson and a bevy of hot chicks (Scarlett Johansson, Eva Mendes, and Jaime King). Benicio Del Toro is doing a Wolfman movie and the make up looks very realstic. Kevin Smith has a new comedy starring Seth Rogen, who imo is getting very overused as an actor and isn't really THAT funny. But the movie shows promise as its about a couple who gets into the business of porn making. "Zack and Miri Make A Porno" opens October 27th. The biggest movie of Comic Con seems to be Zack Snyder's graphic novel adaptation "The Watchmen." The first look at this movie was in the trailers before The Dark Knight and looks very interesting. You can find out more about the Watchmen panel here.

For even more Comic Con info check out this link:

There's also a story on The Dark Knight expecting to make $73 Million this weekend and may actually give Titanic a run for its money as the highest grossing movie ever. Titanic made $1.8 Billion worldwide. It's also set to hit the $300 Million mark in 10 days which has never been done before, the only thing that came close was Pirates of the Caribean: Dead Man's Chest which did it in 16 days.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rush playing Rush

This is a video of the band Rush trying to play their own song "Tom Sawyer" in Rock Band, and failing miserably. Pretty funny to watch:

Bloomin' Burger

Outback has introduced the new Bloomin' Burger which looks better than sex. This thing is making my mouth water just looking at it. I'd love to go to outback order this burger and then proceed to shove it down my pants.

Dark Room

Some horny students at the IT University of Copenhagen have designed a game for the Nintendo Wii which simulates sex. The game doesn't have any graphics and is rythem based similar to your "guitar hero" series. Perfect for a get together of 4 or 5 men sitting around on a friday night, speakers set to 10.

Probably NSFW..unless you work in a brothel

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Save The Panda's!!!

Estelle Getty

Estelle Getty, 84, died this morning at her LA home. She was three days shy of her 85th birthday. Fans will remember her as Sophia on "The Golden Girls" or as Sly Stallone's mother in "Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot."

Monday, July 21, 2008

Stead Man

This is a short cartoon about Oprah's boyfriend Steadman done by Robert Smigel
famous as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and the skits on SNL.

The Watchmen

This trailer aired before The Dark Knight and is from Zack Snyder who directed 300. It's another movie based off of a graphic novel and is being transferred to the big screen scene by scene. Looks pretty good and comes out in March:

"Watchmen" is a mystery adventure set in an alternate 1985 America in which costumed superheroes are part of the fabric of everyday society, and the "Doomsday Clock" - which charts the USA's tension with the Soviet Union - is permanently set at five minutes to midnight.

When one of his former colleagues is murdered, the washed-up but no less determined masked vigilante Rorschach sets out to uncover a plot to kill and discredit all past and present superheroes. As he reconnects with his former crime-fighting legion - a ragtag group of retired superheroes, only one of whom has true powers - Rorschach glimpses a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy with links to their shared past and catastrophic consequences for the future. Their mission is to watch over humanity...but who is watching the watchmen?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight Review

The amount of hype to The Dark Knight has been absolutely unbelievable. Movie theaters around the country are having sold out shows and including showings at even 2 and 6 am just to give people an opportunity to see it. This has been a film that I have been anticpating for well over a year. I've seen the viral marketing ads, the gotham knight anime, followed production as it was chronicled on sites like batman-on-film, and just generally been very excited for the movie to come out.

After getting the chance to see it, I must say that this is the best Batman film in history. Christopher Nolan's vision is to make a Batman film that could very well be taking place in present day. The amount of realism to this movie is amazing. To think of cartoon characters like The Scarecrow, The Joker, and Two Face to be walking amongst us creating chaos is something that seems very far fetched and hard to believe, but this movie is able to pull it off perfectly. The movie is very deep on many levels as it's essentially a character struggle between good and evil. Batman is in costant conflict about what he's doing, whether its right or wrong, the rules he needs to follow, and the overall effect his actions will have on the people around him. Christian Bale is a great Batman and an even better Bruce Wayne. I must say that the voice he uses as Batman in this movie is a bit distracting, but you have to take it from the character's view point that he is trying very hard to make sure noone can recognize him. I also liked the idea that they implemented Batman's knack for detective work in this movie as its really the first one to do so.

Heath Ledger's performance in this movie has been heavily hyped up and there is already talk of a possible Oscar nomination. The Joker in this movie is the perfect blend between creepy, humorous, and just plain psychotic. He kills with no regard to human life and admits that he has no plan but to create a path of destruction and a world of chaos around him. Ledger based his Joker off of the graphic novel "The Killing Joke" and has a dead on portrayl of the character.

Aaron Eckhart really surprised me as Two Face and Harvey Dent in this movie. It started off a bit shaky when he was trying to portray "the white knight" and a man of the people, as there is something about Eckhart even in "Thank You For Smoking", where he just doesn't come across a very genuine guy. The transformation to Two Face was perfect and he really showed the rage of the original character while showing the high values of Dent. Even Maggie Gyllenhaal was bearable as Rachel Dawes although you don't feel too horrible for her when she meets her fate.

Overall, this is a truly great film and one of the few movies where the audience in the theater was so into it that they would clap and cheer throughout the movie. The Batman vs Joker rivalry is a true classic of good vs evil and it came across perfectly in this film as there is even the gray area where the two men are so similar in personality and so different in their actions. There are a few twists in the movie and the supporting cast of Gary Oldman (Commissioner Gordon), Michael Caine (Alfred), and Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox) were outstanding as always. This is definitely a movie to see in theaters as the action is breathtaking in certain scenes. I'm not quite sure where the series would go if there was in fact a third film, but I understand Christian Bale has signed on. The Dark Knight may get Ledger an oscar nod, maybe even getting one for best picture as well. It is a movie that should not be missed by any fan of comic books or crime films.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Terminator 4

Ok so I was VERY skeptical when this movie was announced. McG is directing it and he is responsible for the Charlie's Angels movies so I wasn't expecting much out of this. Then they announced Christian Bale as John Connor. I like the prospect of that but still wasn't convinced. The official trailer was released on-line and it will also be airing in front of The Dark Knight. It's definitely got me intrigued even if there is no Arnold.

Old TV Shows

Who doesn't remember the classic TGIF shows on ABC growing up? These days the shows just don't have the same quality of theme music anymore. Here's a few examples:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rock Band 2

The drum kit for the new Rock Band 2 was revealed at E3 and the thing looks massive. As if hitting the 4 drum pads and the bass pedal wasn't hard enough now you have to worry about cymbals? Its a cool idea but I dont think anyone with less than a PhD or the name Travis Barker is gonna be able to figure all of this out. The setlist was also announced for the game and there's some great little jems in it. RATM, SOAD, Alanis, Offspring, Pearl Jam - ALIVE?!!, Social Distortion, Steve Miller, the list goes on. Also Guns N' Roses will be debuting their new single on Rock Band 2 as well. If I was guitar hero and neversoft I'd be shaking in my boots right now. When everything is said and done Rock Band will offer well over 100 songs. This is a great time to be a fan of rythem based games or music in general. Better start saving up. Check out the full setlist here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


the annual gaming convention E3 started yesterday in Los Angeles and Microsoft kicked things off. The biggest announcement for me was that Final Fantasy XIII will be available on launch day for the 360. I was hoping they would announce something for MGS4 but hopefully they will by the end of the year. There was some footage of Gears 2 released which looks really good and the co-op should be more intense than ever with "horde" mode. Microsoft is also updating the live dashboard and giving people the chance to make avatar's similar to the "mii" on nintendo wii. Also for netflix suscribers there was some huge news as you will now be able to access your netflix library on the 360 and stream movies. Sony presents today and Nintendo will present tomorrow so hopefully there will be some bigger announcements made. Here's a more indepth article about the Xbox press conference

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi played Central Park tonight for a free show as a All Star week kick off and just having gotten home from it why not write a blog? The show was amazing. I've been wanting to see Bon Jovi live for the past 5 years but the stars hadn't aligned until tonight. The weather was perfect for an outdoor concert. Not too hot or humid and a slight breeze all night. For a crowd of 60,000 the security, police officers, and central park staff did a really good job of keeping things orderly and organized. There was not a lot of walking room on the great lawn but thats to be expected.

The Jovi took the stage at about 8:05 with "Living on a Prayer" and the show didn't lose an ounce of energy for the entire night. This show was billed as "nothing but the hits" and it certainly delivered, the only song I wish they had done that they didn't was "Everyday" which is one of their more catchy, radio friendly tunes that wasn't exactly a giant hit so its understandable that they left it off. The crowd reactions were loudest for "It's My Life", "Blaze of Glory", "Runaway", "Living on a Prayer", "Faith", and the encore "Wanted, Dead or Alive." Jon also gave a very emotional speech about the NYPD, his love of NYC from the days of growing up across the river in NJ, 9/11, and how big it is to play at central park in front of 60,000 - he even joked this was something The Beatles or The Rolling Stones have not done.

Overall a great show and theres still a chance to catch them on this tour as they perform at MSG on monday and tuesday night. Also it was Richie Sambora's birthday today and he performed vocals on "I'll Be There For You" which was phenomenal and got the crowd really into it. A great show by a band that can still deliver. Although I do recommend seeing them by their next tour as the wear and tear on Jon's voice is starting to become a little noticeable. 10/10 show and hopefully there will be more of these at Central Park in the near future, maybe U2 should be next.

SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD w/ Twist & Shout


Friday, July 11, 2008


The new 3g iPhone debuts today. I got to see a line of about 50 people around 7:45 this morning waiting outside the AT&T store at 50th and Park. With a two year contract the 8gb model will cost you $199, the 16gb will cost $299. Finally Apple is making a phone that supports the 3g network something they should have done with the original release but why bother when there's a flock of morons who'll pay a ridiculous amount of money for a phone that became outdated about 2 months after it came out. The email capabilities of a Blackberry are still far superior to the iPhone and its much easier to text message with a full QWERTY keyboard. The iPhone will have much faster internet now though and the ability to play music and use the new app's designed on Apple SDK platform. If you're in the market for a new phone and don't have contract issues than the $199 iPhone is well worth the bang for the buck. If you're in the corporate world and still have a bit of time left on your contract it may be bit better to wait for the Blackberry Bold, which is being named the "iPhone killer" as it has all of the functionality of the iPhone with the enhanced performance of a BlackBerry.

You can order the new 3g iPhone at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

holy reese's batman

Gotta give Dukies credit on this one, my two favorite things on the planet are coming together....Batman and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. In anticipation for "The Dark Knight" Reese's is releasing these limited edition candy bars in the shape of the bat logo and other batman classics. I'll be stuffing about 15 of these down my pants once they arrive at my local 7-11. I suggest you do the same.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Get Smart

Growing up I have vague memories of the television show "Get Smart" as it was in reruns on TV Land for a little while. While I don't remember the show too well, I do remember that it was funny and a comic spoof of James Bond type movies. Steve Carrell brings the classic show to the big screen for a modern day update. The main character is Maxwell Smart and Carrell plays him as a cross between Detective Clouseau of the Pink Panther series and James Bond. Max is a interpreter for a group called Control who is essentially the good guys. The opposite faction is called Kaos who are based in Russia and are your "quest for world domination" type.

Kaos infiltrates Control's HQ and uncovers the identities of their undercover agents and its soon up to Maxwell Smart to save the world. The plot is very thrown together but obviously in a movie like this you don't focus too much on story anyways. Steve Carrell does a great job as Max Smart bringing a little bit of Michael Scott (The Office) into his role as well as a little bit of his character from 40 Year Old Virgin. Anne Hathaway was surprisingly good as Agent 99 and I think she was a little into her role in the Devil Wears Prada as she was walking around wearing giant white chanel sunglasses and expensive jackets and designer clothes. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson plays Agent 23 and is your ideal secret agent as the girls love him and the guys want to be him.

Every actor in this movie really plays their parts very well. Alan Arkin does a great job as the chief and even the Great Khali (Dalip Singh) has a pretty big role in the movie as hired mercenary. Also Ken Davitian (Borat) is funny as an evil henchmen. Unfortunately the quality acting just doesn't save a bad plot and too many of the jokes fall flat. There is a dance sequence which gets a few laughs and some of Carrell's throw away lines and reactions got the audience chuckling but overall the film just dropped the ball on too many opportunities for great comedy. There are some things this film does right, such as paying tribute to the old tv show and there's even a cameo by Bill Murray but the cluttered story and twist at the end make it a little hard to follow.

The movie also feels like it runs a little too long as it nearly clocks in at 2 hours. There is some fluff that could have certainly been cut out and the references to Max previously being fat or Agent 99 having an old identity trys to achieve a deeper meaning in the film that just isn't necessary. I don't even know if I could consider it safe for children as there are a few adult oriented jokes. Then again the PG-13 rating has a different meaning than it did 15 years ago. This is a movie you should probably wait for a DVD release on. It's a sub par movie that may keep you mildly entertained for 2 hours, but will not be something for repeat viewings. Dwayne Johnson may extend his acting gig a bit longer as he proves he has a bit more depth than people originally thought. Though Steve Carrell really needs a solid hit to follow up because between this and Evan Almighty, his stock may be plummeting in the modern day world of Apatow comedies.


New T.I.

New one from King of the South T.I. Just another smash hit after another, most consistent rapper in the game. New album drops in September, if you dont know now you know.


I am so sick of hearing about this whole A-Rod/Madonna thing. First of all there is absolutely no proof that he is doing anything with her. If he wants to leave a hot wife for a 50 year old hag with biceps bigger than he his, than more power to him. I just don't understand the appeal of Madonna at all. She hasn't produced a good record in over a decade. She admits to pretty much banging half of the celebrity population. I mean do you really want Dennis Rodman's sloppy seconds?

This is a complete non-story and I dont understand why the media machine is soo consumed by it. CNN has headlines about this even though there is ZERO proof anything went on other than eye witness accounts who THINK they saw A-Rod exiting her apartment. Maybe he'll think twice about not signing a pre-nup. You'd think you know rising gas prices, a crashing stock market, the housing situation, and oh I dont know.. a WAR going on, might take a little more precendence. Thats not even to mention the tragedies going on in other countries that the US media doesn't deem worthy to report on. But if Lindsay Lohan is out having a lesbian romp with Samantha Ronson then it's over every magazine cover.

Monday, July 7, 2008


So coming back to nyc yesterday I took what is known as the Chinatown Bus. It was a privately owned bus company that is supposedly not as nice as Greyhound but considerably cheaper. I've never seen such disorganization for public transportation ever. Instead of picking you up at a bus station this bus comes across the street from the greyhound station and picks you up from a dirt mound. There was about 50 people waiting for buses which is understandable seeing that it was 4th of July weekend.

Then when the bus came the driver thought it would be a smart idea to park across the street at a gas station instead of where they should pick us up, so that there was a mad dash of about 30 people running towards this bus. There was mass confusion as people who did not have a ticket for this bus were attempting to get on and some who even had tickets printed out and ready to go weren't able to get on due to overbooking. After sorting all of this out I was able to get on to the bus and had to find a seat in the very back as it was mostly full from DC. Ofcourse when you sit in the back of the bus Rosa Parks style you are greeted with the fresh warm smell of urine from the nearby bathroom.

I got a window seat hoping that luck would be on my side and I could get a nice skinny attractive female to sit next to me leaving me with plenty of space and leg room. Well of course this was not to be the case as I was soon joined by a big black man who had to lower the arm rest just to fit into the seat. He then proceeded to consecutivley peel and eat oranges which replaced the urine odor with an overwhelming stench of orange juice left out for a while on a hot summer day.

We were supposed to depart for NYC at 3:50 after all of this we ended up pulling out at 4:20. After 2 hours of traffic just to get to delaware I figured I could take a chance to get some shut eye. Well right as I am drifting off to dream world I hear a loud noise of static. Waking up startled thinking we're about to reenact a scene from Cloverfield I was surprised to see they had turned on the tv's on the bus and were about to start a movie. "Great!" I thought, a movie to help ease the pain of this long arudous ride, just what I needed. Well the movie was the cinematic masterpiece we know as "Rush Hour 3." If anyone has seen this movie I feel your pain, if you have not consider yourself blessed. Quite possibly one of the worst movies produced in the last 5 years, right there with Ghost Ship. Well of course when youre in the back of a bus with a heavy african american population and chris tucker is on the screen you know youre in for some hooting and hollering. You would have thought George Carlin had came back from the dead to do an hour of stand up. They was more clapping and slapping their knee at jokes that you could see a mile away not to mention the occassional "oh no he didn't" and "kick that 'n-word's' ass Jackie!"

2 hours later Rush Hour was over and it was time to stop at the local rest stop on the NJ Turnpike where there was a line around the corner just to use the bathroom. There are few grosser places than a reststop urinal on a holiday weekend. So long story short, after 6 hellacious hours I was finally able to get home where it was time to look forward to a long week of work. If you ever are considering a bus trip to NYC, I'd rather advise that grab a rope, make a noose and look for the nearest tree branch instead.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of JULY

Happy 4th of July to all of you. I am celebrating by draping myself in the american flag, stuffing hamburgers down my throat, and partying it up in 95% WHITE Harford County, Maryland. Remember friends...white is right. I am off to go bleed more red, white, and blue.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

peter griffin?

If you really look this much like peter griffin, it might be time for an intervention:

Deep Fried Balls

Butter balls that is... Had a conversation with some coworkers today about deep fried foods and apparently they sell butter deep fried:

one more reason to work at google....Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheeseburgers...or as I like to call it a heart attack on a plate:

Apparently Google sells these in their cafeteria at their NYC office, is it bad that I think they kind of look delicious?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lil Wayne - Tha Carter III

Two weeks ago Lil Wayne aka Weezey released "Tha Carter III" which went on to sell over 1 million copies nationwide in its first week. This is an extraordinary feat in the modern day music world as even the biggest releases seem to have trouble breaking the 500k mark these days. Lil Wayne is a heavily hyped rapper and its not uncommon to hear the comparison to Tupac and Biggie when talking about him. The singles "Lollipop", "A Milli", and "Got Money" were all great tunes and really showed off Wayne's lyrical prowess and ability. The beats were heavyily synthesized along with some of his vocals which seems to be the trend in modern day hip hop (i.e. T-Pain, Akon) and the music was perfect for the summer club atmosphere.

Getting deeper into "Tha Carter III", I must say that I was not extremely impressed. Is it a good rap album? Yes. Is Lil Wayne the second coming of Tupac/Biggie and deserving of being called the "Greatest Rapper Alive?" Probably not. There are some stand out tracks on here including a song with Jay Z, but I would say I only was feeling about 50% of the album while the other half just couldn't keep up with the pace of the hot singles I mentioned above. When listening to a Kanye or Jay Z album you are listening to a musical experience from beginning to end. Almost like the telling of a story. On this album there wasn't that same feel and a little too many filler tracks. I really dont think this record warrants the type of reviews it was getting like 4 1/2 stars in Rolling Stone. Weezy is very consistent and his "A Milli" remix was even very good (see below) but if this was supposed to be his "Illmatic" or "Ready to Die" then he has still has a little ways to go. I know this may come across a little negative because of the massive hype around him, but I do urge you to check out this album if you are a rap fan you will NOT be disapointed. Just please dont throw around the legends of hip hop with Wayne just yet.


This is a remix of "A Milli" he did after his first weeks sales were announced:

This is a freestyle Jay Z did on the radio, reaffirming my review that maybe Lil Wayne shouldn't get the big head just yet...its fitting that this is called "A Billie"

Quantum of Solace, Movie News

The trailer for the new James Bond movie "Quantum of Solace" was released earlier this week. Looks very good and the action is supposed to be like nothing we've seen before. It's so realistic that there has already been a few deaths on the set of stuntment and Daniel Craig sliced off the tip of his finger while shooting as well. Check out the trailer:

-- It was also announced today that Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) and Will Ferrell (Anchorman, Semi-Pro) will be teaming up for a new Sherlock Holmes comedy. Cohen will play the role of Sherlock Holmes and Ferrell will be playing Dr. Watson. This is not to be confused with Guy Ritchie's action-drama "Sherlock" which will be coming out in 2009. Lots of Sherlock Holmes goodness to look forward to next year! Between that and Ben Stiller/Tom Cruise doing "Hardy Men", all of my fav books as a kid are finally coming to the big screen and being done right.