Tuesday, July 29, 2008

change is in the wind

Got a few new changes to the ole' blog. As you have probably noticed there are some ad's now on my blog. I am looking for more sponsors who are looking for a place to advertise their services. I don't think they are very intrusive so I'm looking for people who would be interested in buying some ad space, you can contact me for rates and all that.

There is now also a suscribe link on the sidebar for RSS feeds so you can get my new updates on your site or blog instantly and even get them on your blackberry/iphone. You can also now search google directly off this blog (it will open the results in a new window) and will find search results relevant to the things I talk about in the blog as well as the entire web. I had zero expectations when I was making this blog other than a place to vent my creative frustrations. It's good to see that the site is starting to pick up some steam. If you have any comments or suggestions about the layout or content of the blog feel free to hit me up. Ideally I'd like to eventually move it off blogger and get my own domain so if you can help with that let me know.

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