Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I am so sick of hearing about this whole A-Rod/Madonna thing. First of all there is absolutely no proof that he is doing anything with her. If he wants to leave a hot wife for a 50 year old hag with biceps bigger than he his, than more power to him. I just don't understand the appeal of Madonna at all. She hasn't produced a good record in over a decade. She admits to pretty much banging half of the celebrity population. I mean do you really want Dennis Rodman's sloppy seconds?

This is a complete non-story and I dont understand why the media machine is soo consumed by it. CNN has headlines about this even though there is ZERO proof anything went on other than eye witness accounts who THINK they saw A-Rod exiting her apartment. Maybe he'll think twice about not signing a pre-nup. You'd think you know rising gas prices, a crashing stock market, the housing situation, and oh I dont know.. a WAR going on, might take a little more precendence. Thats not even to mention the tragedies going on in other countries that the US media doesn't deem worthy to report on. But if Lindsay Lohan is out having a lesbian romp with Samantha Ronson then it's over every magazine cover.

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