Tuesday, July 15, 2008


the annual gaming convention E3 started yesterday in Los Angeles and Microsoft kicked things off. The biggest announcement for me was that Final Fantasy XIII will be available on launch day for the 360. I was hoping they would announce something for MGS4 but hopefully they will by the end of the year. There was some footage of Gears 2 released which looks really good and the co-op should be more intense than ever with "horde" mode. Microsoft is also updating the live dashboard and giving people the chance to make avatar's similar to the "mii" on nintendo wii. Also for netflix suscribers there was some huge news as you will now be able to access your netflix library on the 360 and stream movies. Sony presents today and Nintendo will present tomorrow so hopefully there will be some bigger announcements made. Here's a more indepth article about the Xbox press conference http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-9990830-1.html?tag=cnetfd.mt

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